Sunday, January 15, 2012

Saturday, December 24, 2011

"the thing about love, is that you're always at it's mercy"


I'm a huge fan of Doctor Who. BBC America has had all the Christmas episodes of Who on all day. It hasn't been lost on me the irony of the superb end to David Tennants' Who era is called "The End of Time". Today, my grandmother is slowly fading away. The End Of Time, Indeed. In the show, the 10th incarnation of the Doctor knows his time is at hand. It had been foretold to him in episodes past. The Doctor goes through the emotions that I would imagine anyone knowing their time is ending would go through. The anger, sorrow, and even denial. Having lost my Mother a few years ago to cancer, I'm familiar with this. Like in the show, it seems this this process goes all too quickly. Old age and the deterioration that goes with that could be worse than cancer.
What am I saying!? It all sucks.
My grandmother was an amazing cook. I learned alot from her in the kitchen. As well as her quiet reserve and grace. I have been going through an amazing cache of photographs that have been hidden away in her home for the better part of 50 years some of them. Some amazing memories for me and quite an overwhelming and welcome gift for the season, despite the non-holiday vibe because of the impending loss. I have, in a way, found a way to go back in time, mostly to good times. Especially of note is how important Christmas was in the past with that side of my family. There were real traditions in place for so many years. Around 1997 things began changing with family losses. And among those losses was the tradition of the large family gathering. I have had a good education on change.
This Christmas will come and go. There isn't money for presents, nor a desire from most everyone in my family to celebrate because the end of time is near. End of an era. But my grandmother wouldn't want us to not celebrate the holidays, as they were some of her favorite times of the year. Maybe she planned it this way because of her love of Christmas.
I love you Mamma.
I miss you Mom and Grandad.
Merry Christmas to my family and friends. May the new year bring you new and wondrous things!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

"Ah, yes. Blimey. Sorry, Christmas Eve on a rooftop! Saw a chimney, my whole brain just went, "What the hell!""